Rapid Weight Loss in 2 Weeks: Shedding 10kg with Effective Exercise Strategies

Today we're going to talk about a diet that How you can lose 10 kilograms in 
10 days?

And just what's something like what that would look like?

The question came from my Instagram direct message.

And that's the case with my friend Julie here who sent me some information about her diet that she 
was on.

I'm gonna try to pronounce this diet but again it's in German so it'll sound familiar to you if you're German, and if not well, then I'm sorry.

So, now come on the main topic which is "how to lose weight fast? Lose 10kg in 10 days diet plan"

Sounds really awesome!
What I am talking about? Oh yes, I am talking about my friends message. 

I'll put it on here, but it's called the stuff Lexel car Guide.

She explained to me that she was having two meals a day. 120 grams of Weight, not 120 grams but 120 grams of chicken and some vegetables for lunch and dinner and that was it.

And this allowed her to lose an extreme amount of the weight.

She told me, was 26 pounds, which it's fantastic.

If your goal is to lose a lot of weight and you take an approach like there are a lot of diets out there.

Like this, they generally have a name like the HCG diet or the German name that I'm not going to try to pronounce again diet and what they say is there's some magic behind the approach they take.

They either add some supplement but they end up ultimately putting on you.

Are you on a very low-calorie very low restrictive diet and then what they'll say is it's the sugar that's making you fat or you need to detox your liver.

That's the reason that you're able to not lose weight, but the raw truth is that you're just on such an extreme.

The caloric deficit that you're able to lose this amount of weight now if most people that have never dieted before taking an approach.

That's where they eat 500 calories, 600 calories a day, they're then encouraged to exercise a bit more for.

You're gonna see some extreme weight loss.

But like my friend here in the message this is something that I see.

Hundreds of times per week messages that I get over and over about people that have undertaken these diets to lose 10 kilograms in 10 days.

The goal of these diets is to try to bring people that are looking for information on how to approach this diet?

But then educate because I certainly think there are some applications and there are some times when extreme weight loss can be beneficial.

And it's something that you can use positively.

But what we need to do is understand just what's happening to our bodies?

Why it's happening? and then what's gonna happen when the diet's over?

Because as you see here from my friend's message.

She not only gained all the weight back, she then shopped and that is very common for most people when they undertake a calorie restriction diet.

That's very severe they end up weighing more at the end.

Someone saying I did this diet and then my weight rebounded,

and it has hundreds of likes so this is not an isolated case and I just want to help educate you guys.

So was it successful well because we only hear about the initial transformation.

People that do this diet or do these diets will typically find "oh hey I did it I lost 10 kilograms in 10 days check me out guys" 🤩

And they'll make a nice Youtube video about it.

But six months Later, you're not going to hear from them.

Why because they now weigh more than they did before they ever did the diet.

So did the 10 kilograms come off or was it just a little hocus-pocus well?

Let's talk about!

You're able to lose the weight, all right!

The only way we lose weight is through energy balance changing the okay meaning we're burning more calories than we're taking in.

Anyone that's undertaken a diet in their lifetime, they've adapted their metabolism.

Our metabolisms are dynamic.

They go up and down based on the Calories we take for.

The activity that we do.

So what you're essentially doing?

Every the time you die and you restrict your Calories are hey, your mirror metabolism

says hey I don't need to keep up with energy demands anymore.

We're only getting this much food let's slow things down making sure we don't starve to death.

Well, when that happens, such as a diet like this you get a restriction on Calories the soul metabolism adapts now.

This diet, as she mentioned, was 120 grams of chicken and some vegetables.

Well what do you think a person that eats like that for several months they go eat all the foods they can?

They start eating Sweets, they start eating things they probably never even craved before.

Because they just given themselves some type of an eating disorder behavior.

Where they're now so excited to eat foods because they were not allowed to have them for a long time.

I see this a lot with my clients.

Who are often competitors on previous coaches' plans.

Where they had to avoid certain food groups for long periods.

Well that's basically what's happening here..

With an extreme diet, you're almost like contest prep competitor.

Okay you're Dieting down on so few calories that as soon as the diet is over, you just lose your mind and you go back to eating the way you were. 

You go back to eating things you didn't even think you wanted.

And you end up heavier.

And what's the next move?

Go right back on the diet that worked so well last time.

But each time you go through this process of putting body fat rapidly.

And restricting calories of what you're essentially doing is making your situation worse and worse and worse.

So what am I going to suggest for my friend?

I don't think fat loss is the right move for you right now.

I've done with my client in my friend Jamie Kelly Five years we've been working together.

She was in a position like this, where she had restricted calories and overshot her body fat to the point where she was so uncomfortably overweight. 

We had to put her in what's called a reverse diet, to get her metabolic rate back to normal.

So that we could go through a normal fat loss phase.

Well it's taken us five years that's right, five years to get her body back to a happy place.

I think it's very important information..

Especially for women tend to do.

This is more often than men.

But men are still certainly capable of these extreme diets where you try to lose something like 10 kilograms in 10 days.

You know, 30 pounds in 10 days, whatever it might be.

This rapid fat loss approaches them.

Don't usually give you a plan to come out of the diet.

Okay plan to come

Getting out of the diet is essential if you're eating 500 calories a day.

And you've lost this 10 kilograms in 10 days.

Well you can't go back to eating a thousand 1,500 or 2,000 calories right away.

You have to gradually build your metabolism back up it's possible.

Okay, and for those that need to lose weight rapidly.

This is likely your only scenario of success.

Okay if you're morbidly obese, but you have to have a plan; you have to have an approach that allows you to keep the weight off.

That's the hard part weight loss is not an issue, weight maintenance is the issue.

And our bodies are gonna fight us.

But mostly it's because we don't have the education, we don't have the understanding about how our body is going to react after this diet.

Okay so before you enter a diet where you are going to try to lose a lot of weight rapidly make sure you understand the complications that are going to happen.

Afterward the associations with food the desire to eat, the desire to not do any cardio anymore.

Okay instead I implore you to take an approach to fat loss into dieting that is going to be sustainable for you enjoyable for you.

Instead of trying to lose 10 kilograms in 10 days.

Let's try losing a couple kilograms per month and make it the sustainable long-term approach to a better life instead of a short term.

The result that is going to result in long term worse positioning than you started in

Alright guys! that's going to be it.

For me today that's Friday I'm excited to get back to work.

Feel free to ask questions.
